среда, 15 апреля 2009 г.

Happy Neighbours

Happy neighbours are a blessing and a gift, and we can all have a hand in helping maintain happy neighbours. While there are neighbours that choose to stay quietly to themselves, there is a rising sense of community that many neighbours are sharing. In many cases, the neighbourhoods of today are becoming small families that share many holidays and good times together. If you are fortunate enough to stumble into one of these neighbourhoods, it is important that you are a good neighbour in return. You don’t want to be the one to upset the balance of happiness on the block.When you move into a neighbourhood and look around, you might find that there are plenty of people who are willing to greet you, meet you, and of course, welcome you. This is a strong indication that you have some pretty happy neighbours. Look around a bit before you start to change your home and find out if the neighbourhood has any basic rules or regulations. Some do even if they are not gated communities. These neighbourhoods are often those that are in historical districts or are in the city. While you are out socializing with your new happy neighbours, ask questions, learn what you can, and sit back to be absorbed by a very joyful group of people who are grateful for your presence. This is part of the balance that keeps happy neighbours exercising their joy and acceptance in their little corner of the world.